Stichproben im Kepler Salon: Zur Politik negativer Affekte.
19. April 2022
18:00 - 20:00 Uhr
Kepler Salon Linz
Political use of the negative affects:
shame, disgust, and anger
The theory of affects implies that affects can transform societies and play an important role in resisting existing injustices and inequalities. Direk argues that the political and moral legitimization of the use of negative emotions results in hostile environments for the public use of reason and undermines liberal education and free speech. She explains in her talk on what grounds affect theories endorse a politics of affects and how negative emotions such as shame, disgust, and anger are turned into political instruments to fight the “injurious speech” as it is understood by Butler.
Es gelten die zum Zeitpunkt der Veranstaltung bestehenden Achtsamkeitsregeln. Vortrag in englischer Sprache.
Zeynep Direk
Zeynep Direk earned her PhD degree from the University of Memphis in 1998. She taught at Galatasaray University between 1998 and 2014. Since 2014 she has been professor in the Philosophy Department at Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey specializing in Contemporary European Philosophy, Ethics and Feminist Philosophy. She also writes on Social and Political Philosophy and the History of Turkish Thought. Her most recent publication is "Ontologies of Sex: Philosophy in Sexual Politics" (Rowman and Littlefield, 2020).
Weitere Informationen zur Veranstaltung
ist der Titel der Vortragsreihe in Kooperation zwischen dem Mittelbau der KU Linz und dem Kepler Salon. Die Vorträge bohren gezielt in die Tiefe jeder der drei Disziplinen der KU Linz: Philosophie, Kunstgeschichte und Theologie, um Proben heraufzubefördern, die für alle drei Disziplinen von Gewicht sind. Eine Veranstaltung der Katholischen Privat-Universität Linz in Kooperation mit dem Kepler Salon.