Im Vorbeigehen II/19: Entwurf eines textilen Werkstücks.

18. Mai 2021

12:00 - 14:00 Uhr


Die bildende Künstlerin Monika Drożyńska bespielt im Sommersemester 2021 das Ausstellungsformat "Im Vorbeigehen II/19". Unter dem Titel "DWA / FÜNF" werden in den Räumlichkeiten der Universität Textilarbeiten ausgestellt. Am 18. Mai 2021 haben Lehrende und Studierende der KU Linz die Möglichkeit, unter der Leitung der Kuratorinnen Monika Leisch-Kiesl und Franziska Heiß, ein eigenes textiles Werkstück zu entwerfen.

Programme & Registration for the Workshop on May 18th

At the workshop on May 18th, you get the opportunity to make your own workpiece together with other participants, under the direction of the curators. Monika Drożyńska will join online and show her embroidery-technique. Then we will develop the concept of a workpiece together. After that you can embroider in the comfort of your own home and make your home office into your own crafting studio.

As language is important within the work context of Monika Drożyńska, it also will be important in the workshop. Therefore at least part of it will be held in German.

Because of limited places, please register by writing an e-mail to Franziska Heiß (f.heiss[at] The login data (Zoom) will be sent to you before the event by e-mail. Please register by the 18th of May, 10 am at the latest. / Bitte melden Sie sich für den Workshop mittels einer e-Mail an Franziska Heiß (f.heiss[at] an - Sie erhalten die Zugangsdaten (Zoom) vor der Veranstaltung per e-Mail übermittelt (Anmeldung bitte bis spätestens 18. Mai 2021, 10.00 Uhr).

The needed materials for embroidery will be provided by us. After the workshop, the materials can be picked up at the university, during the opening hours. At the same time, you can have a look at the exhibition in person and get inspired by the works of Monika Drożyńska.

But if you are not able to come to KU – feel free to work with things you already have at home. As fabric you can use for example an old t-shirt, bed sheets or curtains.

The workshop is open for everyone – for people from KU Linz and beyond!

For further information about the exhibition and the artist, please visit the website. / Weitere Informationen zur Künstlerin und zum Ausstellungsprojekt finden Sie hier.

Folder/Leaflet Im Vorbeigehen II.19

Coming Up / Nächster Termin

Workshop 03
Finishing and presentation of the workpiece under the direction of Monika Drożyńska / Finalisierung und Präsentation des Werkstücks unter der Leitung von Monika Drożyńska
June 8, 2021, 12am–2pm / 8. Juni 2021, 12:00-14:00 Uhr
The artist will attend in person (expected). / Die Künstlerin ist (voraussichtlich) anwesend.

