Global Art History 4: "The Golden Sunshine" mit Alfred Weidinger.
22. Dezember 2021
14:00 - 16:00 Uhr
Museum Francisco Carolinum Linz

Oil on Canvas, 228 x 400 cm, 2011.
He Yunchang. The Golden Sunshine
Talk & Exhibition with Alfred Weidinger
December 22, 2021, 2–4pm
The event takes place at
Francisco Carolinum Linz
Museumstraße 14, 4020 Linz
>> The 2-G rule applies, a FFP2 face mask is mandatory! <<
About the lecture series
Global Art History 4: Curating in the Post-Global
About the event
We have the great opportunity to meet Alfred Weidinger, the new managing director of the state museums of Upper Austria. He succeeded in attracting Ai Weiwei as curator for the exhibition of He Yunchang, one of the most famous performing artists from China. In doing so we face the outcomes of the cooperation of a global artist as curator for a show in a peripheral situation.
All elements fit in the discourse we are reflecting upon in our lectures series. After the talk with director Weidinger we are going to visit the show that is He Yunchang’s first comprehensive retrospective in the German-speaking area.
About artist He Yunchang
He Yunchang (*1967 in Kunming, Yunnan) is one of the most important performing artists in China. He studied painting at the Yunnan Art Institute and moved to Beijing in the 1990s, where his first performative works were created. Over the past two decades, he was best known for a series of radical actions.
For instance, he had his hand cast in concrete for 24 hours, tried–hanging from a crane–to divide a river in half with his own blood, burned the clothes he was wearing, he ventured to stay on a rock by the Niagara Falls or had a rib removed from his chest. What at first glance might appear as brave stunts is actually strictly formal, highly referential Live Art with a compelling emotional impact.
He Yunchang refers to questions about the basic conditions of being, which he connects with the religious and popular traditions of China and ancient Greek philosophy–and at the same time references the traditions of performance art of the 1960s and 70s. He Yunchangs body is the fundamental medium in his artistic practice. It is the instrument that enables him to express his beliefs, willpower and vital force.
“I have no reservations in my art practice,” the artist states, “my only requirement is to stay alive. I use performance art to express what I care about and what I despise”.
The show curated by Ai Weiwei is He Yunchang‘s first comprehensive retrospective in the German-speaking parts of the world.
Weitere Informationen zur Ringvorlesung, zu den einzelnen Terminen und zum Anmeldeprozedere
Global Art History 4: Curating in the Post-Global
Die Ringvorlesung findet unter Einhaltung der jeweils gültigen Corona-Regelungen und nach Maßgabe der Möglichkeiten öffentlich zugänglich in Präsenz statt. Vier Termine werden via Zoom abgehalten.
Die jeweils aktuell an der KU Linz geltenden Corona-Bestimmungen finden sich hier.
20. Oktober 2021
Jennifer Walklate, University of Aberdeen / UK (Zoom)
3. November 2021
Joanna Warsza, Berlin / DE (Zoom)
10. November 2021
Stefanie Heraeus, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a.M. / DE
1. Dezember 2021
María Berríos, Berlin / DE (Zoom) Musste krankheitsbedingt leider entfallen!
15. Dezember 2021
Magdalena Nieslony, Universität Wien / AT (Zoom)
22. Dezember 2021
Alfred Weidinger, He Yunchang & Ai Wei Wei
(Dieser Termin findet im FC Francisco Carolinum Linz statt.)
12. Januar 2022
Ruth Noack, The Corner at Whitman-Walker, Washington D.C. / US
19. Januar 2022
Cauê Krüger, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba / BR (Zoom)
26. Januar 2022
Tia Čiček, Galerija ŠKUC, Ljubljana / SI
27.-30. Januar 2022
Work, curator, work!
Workshop mit Tia Čiček, Vera Zalutskaya und Maximilian Lehner von bad curating inc.