ENTFÄLLT!! Global Art History 4: Online-Vortrag von María Berríos.

01. December 2021

17:00 - 19:00 Uhr


Die vierte Ausgabe der Vortragsreihe richtet den Blick auf die Verstrickungen zeitgenössischen Kuratierens in der postglobalen Welt. Der für 1. Dezember geplante Vortrag der Soziologin und Kuratorin María Berríos "Now! History Happens Here" muss krankheitsbedingt leider entfallen!

Now! History Happens Here 

María Berríos

 Cancelled due to illness!

December 1, 2021, 5–7pm
via Zoom / in English!

Registration/information: wirstellenaus[at]ku-linz.at
About the lecture series: "Global Art History 4: Curating in the Post-Global"


I will discuss the challenges of working with plural histories as a mode of contemporary exhibition making. For this, I understand archives as social living beings, not material to footnote the canon as small crutches to hold it up poorly, but by telling stories, present and past that actually tear away its foundations.

To work against the contemporary as a perpetual promise of new beginnings means to understand the contemporary as shared histories, stories that connect struggles, are distinct but share certain problems and principles.

I will look into how culture is woven into these struggles, how they define the open language that allows those exchanges and redefine what a popular (not populist) art might look like today. Concretely I look into examples such as the pedagogic missions, the 1968 Cultural Congress in Havana and the Solidarity Museum.

About María Berríos
María Berríos is a sociologist, writer, independent curator, and cofounder of the Chilean editorial collective vaticanochico. Her work traverses art and politics with a special interest in collective cultural experiments of the 1960s and 1970s. She teaches and lectures in Europe and Latin America and has published extensively on art and politics. Among other projects, she was one of the curators of the 11th Berlin Biennale of Contemporary Art (2019-2021).



Weitere Informationen zur Ringvorlesung, zu den einzelnen Terminen und zum Anmeldeprozedere
Global Art History 4: Curating in the Post-Global

Die Ringvorlesung findet unter Einhaltung der jeweils gültigen Corona-Regelungen und nach Maßgabe der Möglichkeiten öffentlich zugänglich in Präsenz statt. Vier Termine werden via Zoom abgehalten.

Die jeweils aktuell an der KU Linz geltenden Corona-Bestimmungen finden sich hier.


20. Oktober 2021
Jennifer Walklate, University of Aberdeen / UK (Zoom)

3. November 2021
Joanna Warsza, Berlin / DE (Zoom)

10. November 2021
Stefanie Heraeus, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a.M. / DE

1. Dezember 2021
María Berríos, Berlin / DE (Zoom) Musste krankheitsbedingt leider entfallen!

15. Dezember 2021
Magdalena Nieslony, Universität Wien / AT (Zoom)

22. Dezember 2021
Alfred Weidinger, He Yunchang & Ai Wei Wei
(Dieser Termin findet im FC Francisco Carolinum Linz statt.)

12. Januar 2022
Ruth Noack, The Corner at Whitman-Walker, Washington D.C. / US

19. Januar 2022
Cauê Krüger, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba / BR (Zoom)

26. Januar 2022
Tia Čiček, Galerija ŠKUC, Ljubljana / SI

27.-30. Januar 2022
Work, curator, work!
Workshop mit Tia Čiček, Vera Zalutskaya und Maximilian Lehner von bad curating inc.

update 16.12.2021/RK