Global Art History 4: Online-Vortrag von Jennifer Walklate.
20. Oktober 2021
17:00 - 19:00 Uhr

Museums, Anxieties, Radical Temporality
Jennifer Walklate
October 20, 2021, 5–7pm
via Zoom / in English!
Registration/information: wirstellenaus[at]
About the lecture series: "Global Art History 4: Curating in the Post-Global"
Museums are fundamentally anxious spaces, dependent upon and productive of temporal experiences in order to function and make meaning. In this lecture, we will firstly argue for the museum as an anxious institution, and the position of it as such in the global/post-global now. We will then posit temporality as one of the components of this anxious institution, and in particular argue for the importance of a radical approach to temporality. This radical temporality, which is self-aware, anxious, haunted and political, situates itself in the present, consciously, actively and ethically, and is thus a tool with which museums and associated institutions need to recognise if they are to reach their potential for transparency and engagement.
Video of the lecture on the YouTube Channel of KU Linz.
Jennifer Walklate introducing herself
I am a museologist, historian and literary theorist, studying the intersections between museums and other cultural media, including literature, drama and comics. I utilize novelistic and poetic forms and concepts to open up new ways of considering visitor experience in museum contexts, and literature as an analytical framework for understanding the construction and performance of museums. Drawing upon this study, I am looking at new ways to create more representative, inclusive, egalitarian, and intellectually open institutions. I completed a PhD at the School of Museum Studies, Leicester, in 2013, and an MA in 2009. I have worked as a Collections Assessor, Research Assistant, Editor, and Docent, and have volunteered with the Galleries of Justice Museum, the Ashmolean Museum, and the Royal Shakespeare Company Collections. I am a member of the Museum Ethnographers Group (MEG), the International Committee for Museums and Collections of Ethnography (ICME), and work as editor for Museum & Society, and the Best in Heritage Projects of Influence Award.
Weitere Informationen zur Ringvorlesung, zu den einzelnen Terminen und zum Anmeldeprozedere
Global Art History 4: Curating in the Post-Global
Die Ringvorlesung findet unter Einhaltung der jeweils gültigen Corona-Regelungen und nach Maßgabe der Möglichkeiten öffentlich zugänglich in Präsenz statt. Vier Termine werden via Zoom abgehalten.
Die jeweils aktuell an der KU Linz geltenden Corona-Bestimmungen finden sich hier.
20. Oktober 2021
Jennifer Walklate, University of Aberdeen / UK (Zoom)
3. November 2021
Joanna Warsza, Berlin / DE (Zoom)
10. November 2021
Stefanie Heraeus, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a.M. / DE
1. Dezember 2021
María Berríos, Berlin / DE (Zoom) Musste krankheitsbedingt leider entfallen!
15. Dezember 2021
Magdalena Nieslony, Universität Wien / AT (Zoom)
22. Dezember 2021
Alfred Weidinger, He Yunchang & Ai Wei Wei
(Dieser Termin findet im FC Francisco Carolinum Linz statt.)
12. Januar 2022
Ruth Noack, The Corner at Whitman-Walker, Washington D.C. / US
19. Januar 2022
Cauê Krüger, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba / BR (Zoom)
26. Januar 2022
Tia Čiček, Galerija ŠKUC, Ljubljana / SI
27.-30. Januar 2022
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Workshop mit Tia Čiček, Vera Zalutskaya und Maximilian Lehner von bad curating inc.
update 16.12.2021/RK