Global Art History 4: Online-Vortrag von Cauê Krüger.

19. Jänner 2022

17:00 - 19:00 Uhr

Online-Modus (Zoom)

Verstrickungen zeitgenössischen Kuratierens in der postglobalen Welt aus der Perspektive eines Anthropologen behandelt Cauê Krüger in seinem Vortrag "The Anthropologist as Curator. Some remarks on Brazilian experiences" am 19. Jänner 2022.

The Anthropologist as Curator. Some remarks on Brazilian experiences 

Cauê Krüger

January 19, 2022, 5–7pm
via Zoom / in English!


About the lecture series
Global Art History 4: Curating in the Post-Global

The interwoven between Art and Anthropology have always been vital for both disciplines. Just as western imperialist, ethnocentric and colonial procedures were minimized, new ways of conducting field research, doing ethnography, writing, and displaying have been arising.

From "ethnographic surrealism" and the "post-modern turn" until the contemporary "sensory turn" in anthropology, the ambivalent relation with art have always been on stage. Recently George Marcus, Tarek Elhaik and Roger Sansi proposed the formula of "the anthropologist as curator". This speech aims to review these writings, present some examples of Brazilian anthropologists acting as curators, and reflect upon its outcomes.

Video of the lecture on the YouTube Channel of KU Linz.

About Cauê Krüger 
Cauê Krüger is adjunct professor at Catholic University of Paraná (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná), Brazil. He holds Doctoral and Master degrees in Anthropology and Bachelor‘s degrees both in Social Sciences and Theatre Arts.



Weitere Informationen zur Ringvorlesung, zu den einzelnen Terminen und zum Anmeldeprozedere
Global Art History 4: Curating in the Post-Global

Die Ringvorlesung findet unter Einhaltung der jeweils gültigen Corona-Regelungen und nach Maßgabe der Möglichkeiten öffentlich zugänglich in Präsenz statt. Vier Termine werden via Zoom abgehalten.

Die jeweils aktuell an der KU Linz geltenden Corona-Bestimmungen finden sich hier.


20. Oktober 2021
Jennifer Walklate, University of Aberdeen / UK (Zoom)

3. November 2021
Joanna Warsza, Berlin / DE (Zoom)

10. November 2021
Stefanie Heraeus, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a.M. / DE

1. Dezember 2021
María Berríos, Berlin / DE (Zoom) Musste krankheitsbedingt leider entfallen!

15. Dezember 2021
Magdalena Nieslony, Universität Wien / AT (Zoom)

22. Dezember 2021
Alfred Weidinger, He Yunchang & Ai Wei Wei
(Dieser Termin findet im FC Francisco Carolinum Linz statt.)

12. Januar 2022
Ruth Noack, The Corner at Whitman-Walker, Washington D.C. / US

19. Januar 2022
Cauê Krüger, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba / BR (Zoom)

26. Januar 2022
Tia Čiček, Galerija ŠKUC, Ljubljana / SI

27.-30. Januar 2022
Work, curator, work!
Workshop mit Tia Čiček, Vera Zalutskaya und Maximilian Lehner von bad curating inc.
