Forschung, Internationalisierung und besondere Dienste
Ruzica Romic
Wintersemester 2024/25
AG Cross-Cultural Communication
Für internationale Studierende, die im Wintersemester 2024/25 an KULIS teilnehmen, wird es diese Orientierungsveranstaltung geben (2 CP). Studierende der KU Linz, die einen ERASMUS-Aufenthalt etc. planen, können ebenfalls an dieser Orientierungsveranstaltung teilnehmen und sich ggf. 1 CP im Wahlfachbereich anrechnen lassen.
Wintersemester 2023/24
AG German for Beginners
German for Beginners
This course is designed to help students - Develop cultural and language awareness - Develop and practice language learning skills - Develop and practice oral communication skills for everyday life - Develop and practice written communication skills for basic texts - Develop and practice reading skills for easy texts Skills and language focus: - Basic Grammar: article / negation / present tense / nominative and dative case / adjective / pronouns / plural - Reading and listening - Pronunciation / phonetics - Vocabulary building - Getting in contact with the people living here Topics: - Beginning of conversation - Family - Study & work - Date & time - Hobbies - Food & Drink - Nations & People - Intercultural skills - The German speaking countries
Will be discussed at the first meeting
Hinweise zu Prüfungs-/Beurteilungsmodalitäten:
How to get the credits: - Attendance and active participation in German - Completion of assigned tasks for meetings - End of course test (30 min)