Adela Muchova
PS Pastoraltheologie: Pastoral Spirituality
Course Description / Kurzbeschreibung
Theology characterizes the Christian experience as a collaborative partnership between the divine and humanity. Both divine grace and human effort are essential for the transformative process of individuals, communities, and society.This seminar investigates the key pastoral phenomena, focusing on the resources and outcomes of engaged religious practice. It begins by looking into various spiritual activities that foster and sustain the existential relationship between God and people. Next, it ana-lyzes the influence of these practices on the lives of the practitioners and how their faith, experienced at home and in society, is influenced by their religious engagement.The seminar also raises questions regarding effective methods of communicating faith in a globalized and secular context, especially within communities, parishes, and educational institutions. Situated within modern practical theology, it thoughtfully examines issues related to culture, gender, minorities, ethnicity, and environmental concerns.
Learning Outcomes / Lernergebnisse
This seminar explores the interplay between the vertical and horizontal aspects of daily Christian life. Through readings and discussions, participants will gain the ability to reflect on challenges from diverse academic viewpoints to address individuals’ quest for holistic integrity with both theological significance and pastoral skill.No prior preparation is necessary before the course begins. Students from disciplines outside of theology are also encouraged to join.Written assignments may be submitted in either English or German.
Recommended Reading / Literatur
- Aigner, Maria Elisabeth / Findl-Ludescher, Anna / Prüller-Jagenteufel, Veronika: Grundbegriffe der Pastoraltheologie, München: Don Bosco, 2005.
- Miller-McLemore, Bonnie J. (ed.): The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Practical Theology, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
- Sheldrake, Philip. The New SCM Dictionary of Christian Spirituality. London: SCM Press, 2005.
- Thompson, Ross / Williams, Gareth: SCM Guides: Christian Spirituality. London: SCM Press, 2008.
Assessment Methods / Hinweise zu Prüfungs-/Beurteilungsmodalitäten
Final grading reflects• class attendance and active participation in discussions (50%),• short reflection papers (30%), and• class presentation (20%).
VL Spezialfragen der Pastoraltheologie: Shape the Future of Synodality
Course Description / Kurzbeschreibung
In October, the second session of the World Synod of Bishops concluded. We will explore how the future of synodality can be shaped. We will examine the outcomes of the second session, gain insights into how different continents are shaping the future of synodality, and address the themes of the 10 working groups established by the Pope to address specialized topics during the Synod on Synodality focus on critical issues relevant to the Church.The course will take place online, as we will invite experts from the Synod and participants from the 10 working groups to share firsthand perspectives on how the future of synodality is envisioned in various contexts and how the topics of the 10 study groups sup-port this work.
Learning Outcomes / Lernergebnisse
• 1. Participants will understand the significance of synodality within the Catholic Church.• 2. Outcome Analysis: Students will analyze key themes and insights from the second session, identifying critical issues addressed.• 3. Global Insights: Learners will explore how different continents influence the future of synodality, appreciating diverse cultural contexts.• 4. Expert Perspectives: Through interactions with Synod experts and working group participants, students will gain firsthand insights into synodal futures.• 5. Application of Knowledge: Participants will reflect on applying insights in their communities, promoting collaboration and inclusivity.• 6. Critical Thinking Development: The course will foster critical thinking about the challenge and opportunities in implementing synodal practices.By the end, participants will be equipped to engage thoughtfully with the future of synodality.
Recommended Reading / Literatur
- Papst Franziskus, XVI. Ordentliche Generalversammlung der Bischofssynode. Für eine synodale Kirche: Gemeinschaft, Teilhabe und Sendung. Schlussdokument,
- Dietmar W. Winkler / Roland Cerny-Werner: Synodalität als Möglichkeitsraum. Erfahrungen – Herausforderungen – Perspektiven, Innsbruck 2023.
- Markus Graulich / Johanna Rahner: Synodalität in der katholischen Kirche, Freiburg i. Br. 2020.
- Margit Eckholt: Synodality in Europe. Theological Reflections on the Church on Synodal Paths in Europe, Münster 2024.
Assessment Methods / Hinweise zu Prüfungs-/Beurteilungsmodalitäten
Written scientific essay on a chosen topic. / Wissenschaftliches Essay zu einer der gewählten Thematik.
Wintersemester 2024/25
SE Pastoraltheologie: Urban Ministry
In 2010, world population living in urban areas exceeded 50% and cities have since become a primary living space for humankind. This demographical and social change poses new challenges also for churches and their ministry.Church organization and pastoral concern have shifted from territorial parishes in regions to a rather different setting; an intimacy of local was substituted with anonymity of global. With urbanization, church faces diversity, pluralism, secularism and individualism as never before and needs to address people relevantly.This seminar therefore examines specific pastoral care, such as chaplaincies and other forms of specialized ministry, which respond to this new situation. From the perspective of pastoral theology, it explores four functions of the church—martyria, liturgia, diakonia, koinonia—and their application in different urban settings.
The objectives of this seminar are• (1) to understand church ministry in various urban contexts;• (2) to examine a multifaceted role of church ministers in a plural society; and• (3) to outline possible pastoral models for the future.
- Cahalan, Kathleen A. Introducing the Practice of Ministry. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2010.
- Caperon, John, Andrew Todd, and James Walters (ed.). A Christian Theology of Chaplaincy. JKP, 2018.
- Sheldrake, Philip. The Spiritual City: Theology, Spirituality, and the Urban. Wiley Blackwell, 2014.
- Threlfall-Holmes, Miranda, and Mark Newit (eds). Being a Chaplain. SCPK, 2011.
Prüfungs-& Beurteilungsmodalitäten
Final grading reflects class attendance and active participation in discussions (50%), short class presentation (20%) and seminar papers (30%).
Sommersemester 2024
SE Spezialfragen der Pastoraltheologie: - Frauen in der Kirche – im Kontext der Weltsynode / Women in the Church – in the context of the World Synod.
We are bringing women participants of the World Synod of Bishops together with students for an academic exchange. They will reflect on the role of women in the church and discuss various topics from the Synthesis Report (October 2023) with students from the Catholic University in Linz and partner universities worldwide. The interdisciplinary theological approach will be follo-wed with a pastoral theological contextualization.
The working sessions are based on the Report and elaborate various topics as they were discussed during the First Session of the Synod. Every week a different speaker presents one topic of the Synthesis and reflects especially on the expertise and experience of women in the Synod. As the speakers – the synod participants – represent various regions, continents, roles and responsibilities, they will offer a contextualization of chosen topics in their specific field of ministry and in the global church.
The course sessions will examine the following topics from the Synthesis Report:
* Synodality, Experience and Understanding;
* the Eastern Churches and Latin Church Traditions;
* a church „out of every tribe, tongue, people and nation“;
* Church is Mission;
* the Bishop in Ecclesial Communion;
* Women in the Life and Mission of the Church;
* a Synodal Approach to Formation;
* Towards a Listening and Accompanying Church;
* Structures for Participation;
* the Relevance of Canonical Provisions in a Synodal Church;
* the Church-Governance.
The objectives of this seminar are
* (1) to engage in discussions with women participants of the Synod;
* (2) to examine related synodal themes from various perspectives; and
* (3) to outline possible pastoral and ministerial models for the future considering the role of women in the synodal church.
The seminar is based on active student participation: the sessions consist of short lectures and discussion with speakers, group discussions and theological contextualization.
The working language is English; students are expected to communicate at level A2-B1. It is expected that the participants read the synodal Synthesis from October 2023 in advance to be ready for discussions.
Interested students outside theology are welcome too. All study materials will be available online
The course sessions will examine the Synthesis Report (October 28, 2023), which is available online; language versions accessible. Other study materials and texts for further reading will be distributed to registered students.
Hinweise zu Prüfungs-/Beurteilungsmodalitäten
Final grading reflects online attendance and active participation in discussions and group reflections (70%) and a short reflection paper (30%) ranging between 6.000 and 8.000 characters.Registration is open to KU Linz students, partner universities students, and other guests.
Wintersemester 2023/24
Pastoraltheologie: Urban Ministry
Lehrveranstaltung in englischer Sprache!
Sommersemester 2023
AG Spezialfragen der Pastoraltheologie
Lehrveranstaltung in englischer Sprache!
Theology describes Christian life as partner cooperation between human and divine. Both God´s grace and human activity are required for a creative transformation of oneself, community and society. This seminar examines the fundamental pastoral phenomena—resources and consequences of a lived religion. First, it explores various spiritual practices which provide and nurture existential relation between God and human. Second, it examines their impact on practitioners´ way of life; how their faith at home and in society—such as suffering, healing, and consuming—is shaped by their religious experience. The seminar questions about relevant forms of communicating faith in globalized and secular society, particularly in communities, parishes, and schools. Positioned within a contemporary practical theology, it critically reflects on themes of culture, gender, minorities, ethnical, and environmental challenges.