Shape the Future of Synodality

The Department for Synodality at the Catholic Private University Linz invites you to an online course on synodal topics.

Course coordinators: Prof. Klara Csiszar, Dr. Adela Muchova



In October 2024, the second session of the World Synod of Bishops concluded. We will explore how the future of synodality can be shaped. We will examine the outcomes of the second session, gain insights into how different continents influence the future of synodality, and address the themes of ten study groups established by the Pope in March 2024. The course will take place online. Together with experts from various fields, we will reflect on the topics of ten study groups to understand the importance of these themes concerning a synodal Church in mission and to get some knowledge about this complexity. Please note that it will not discuss the ongoing work of the study groups and their preliminary outcomes. The focus will be on understanding why and how important these themes are for the synodal Church.


Course Schedule

The course is designed as a chance for an international exchange: students from various partner universities of KU Linz worldwide are welcome to participate in this online course (3 ECTS available to registered students). The sessions occur online on Wednesdays, between March 19 and June 25, 2025, from 14:15 to 16:00 CET (08:15-10:00 am EST; 10:15-12:00 am BRT; 9:15-11:00 pm HKT). Online access will be provided to registered participants.


Course Program

13 sessions run online between March 19 and June 25, 2025.


Themes and Speakers


19. March 2025 


Prof. Klara Csiszar (KU Linz)

Dr. Adela Muchova (KU Linz)


26. March 2025  

Church and the synodality

Prof. Paul M. Zulehner (University of Vienna)


2. April 2025 

Synodality worldwide 

Prof. Catalina Cerda (South America)

Cardinal Pablo Virgilio David (Asia)

Mrs. Gabriele Eder-Cakl (Europe)

Prof. Anthony Pogorelc (North America)

Bishop Victor Thulani (Africa)


9. April 2025  

Some aspects of the relations between the Eastern Catholic Churches and the Latin Church (Group 1)

Prof. Gabriel Hachem  (Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Lebanon)


30. April 2025 

Listening to the cry of the poor (Group 2)

Prof. Maria Cimperman (Catholic Theological Union, UISG Synodality Coordinator, USA)


7. May 2025 

The mission in the digital environment (Group 3)

José Manuel de Urquidi (Juan Diego & Co / Evangelization Lab / Juan Diego Network)


14. May 2025 

The Reception of the fruits of the ecumenical journey in ecclesialpractices (Group 10)

Prof. Robert Svaton (Palacky University Olomouc, Czechia)


21. May 2025

Theological criteria and synodal methodologies for shared discernment of controversial doctrinal, pastoral, and ethical issues (Group 9)

Prof. Carlo Casalone  (Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome)


28. May 2025 

The role of papal representatives in a missionary synodal perspective (Group 8)

Archbishop Michael W. Banach (Apostolic Nuncio to Hungary)


4. June 2025 

Some aspects of the person and ministry of the Bishop (criteria for selecting candidates to Episcopacy, judicial function of the Bishops, nature and course of ad limina Apostolorum visits) from a missionary synodal perspective (Group 7)

Prof. Gilles Routhier (Laval University, Canada)


11. June 2025 

The revision of the Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis in a missionary synodal perspective (Group 4)

Prof. Andrew Recepcion  (Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome / Pontifical Philippine College)


18. June 2025 

Some theological and canonicalmatters regarding specific ministerialforms(Group 5)

Prof. Anna Rowlands  (Durham University, UK)


25. June 2025 

The revision, in a synodal missionary perspective, of the documents touching on the relationship between Bishops, consecrated life, and ecclesial associations (Group 6)

Sr. Mary Barron (President of the International Union of Superior Generals, Dicastery for Evangelization, Rome)



Learning Outcomes

  1. Participants will understand the significance of synodality within the Catholic Church.
  2. Outcome Analysis: Students will analyze key themes and insights from the second session, identifying critical issues addressed.
  3. Global Insights: Learners will explore how different continents influence the future of synodality, appreciating diverse cultural contexts.
  4. Expert Perspectives: Through interactions with Synod experts and working group participants, students will gain firsthand insights into synodal futures.
  5. Application of Knowledge: Participants will reflect on applying insights in their communities, promoting collaboration and inclusivity.
  6. Critical Thinking Development: The course will foster critical thinking about the challenge and opportunities in implementing synodal practices.
  7. By the end, participants will be equipped to engage thoughtfully with the future of synodality.


Grading Policy 

Examination & Grading for students (3 ECTS): Scientific essay on one of the chosen topics (6.000-8.000 characters).


Registration Information 

Registration period KU Linz: February 7, 2025 – March 5, 2025 (guest registration until March 17)

  • Students from KU Linz: standard registration procedure
  • International students from KU Linz partner universities: free of charge. More information by Ruzica Romic from the International office KU Linz, r.romic[at]
  • Guest participants with a study confirmation requirement (transcript of records): 150 EUR for a course.
  • Guest participants without a study confirmation requirement: free of charge.

All guest participants can register until March 17 by Adela Muchovaa.muchova[at]


Eckholt, Margit (ed.). Synodality in Europe: Theological Reflections on the Church on Synodal Paths in Europe. Münste: LIT Verlag, 2024.

Final Document of the XVI Assembly, 26 October 2024, Rome,

Graulich, Markus und Johanna Rahner (ed.). Synodalität in der katholischen Kirche: Die Studie der Internationalen Theologischen Kommission im Diskurs. Freiburg: Herder, 2020.

Luciani, Rafael. Synodality: A New Way of Proceeding in the Church. New York: Paulist Press, 2022.

Moons, Jos. Synodality and the Roman-Catholic Church: An Academic Bibliography 2013-2024. 5th edition, February 2025,

Moons, Jos, and Kristin Colberg. The Future of Synodality: How We Move on From Here. Liturgical Press, 2025.

„Reframing the Understanding of Participation in Mission and Leadership in a Synodal Church: A A Research Project of the Peter and Paul Seminar.“ Studia Canonica, Volume 58, Issue 1

Winkler, Dietmar W. und Roland Cerny-Werner. Synodalität als Möglichkeitsraum: Erfahrungen-Herausforderungen Perspektiven. Innsbruck, Wien: Tyrolia Verlag, 2023.

Wood, Susan. A Synodal Church: The Christian Faithful on Pilgrimage. Sheed & Ward, 2025.