Episcopal Trust
The Private University KU Linz is financially supported by the Diocese of Linz. The Episcopal Trust was established in order to ensure the quality of teaching, research and the public impact in the long run. The purpose of the trust is to support research projects and scientific publications, the financial support of the library and the subsidy of public symposiums and events. The fund assets are comprised of legacies, grants, and donations. Allocation of the funds is handled by the advisory board.
All donations to the trust fund are voluntary and tax deductible in accordance with § 4a Z. 1 lit a) EstG 1988 (Personal Income Tax Code).
Bank Account:
Oberösterreichische Landesbank AG
IBAN AT40 5400 0000 0021 2373
Oberbank AG
IBAN AT65 1500 0007 2131 4706
Thank you very much for your contribution!