WER-Prize – Prize for the Advancement of the Dialogue between Business, Ethics, and Religion. The prize is awarded biannually. Link to the presentation of awards’ report 2014.
The next call for proposals and award presentation will take place in 2016.
Economic liberalization and globalization as well as social diversification and segmentation are increasingly influential factors to individual and social life. As “signs of the times” they are a major challenge to politics and provide a crucial context of theological and ethical reflexion.
The WiEGe project has established the following platforms:
Professions this area of specialisation prepares for include but are not limited to:
Since the introduction of the new curriculum in 2008 each student in the diploma programme Catholic Theology must complete the Thematic Module I: Business - Ethics - Society (WiEGe). WiEGe is an optional module in the BA and MA programmes in Catholic Religious Education and can be taken for credit.
The certificate is not directly qualifying for a specific job as is the case with more traditional study programmes. Nonetheless, it depicts a crucial, additional socioeconomic and socio-ethical qualification for students of the social sciences. Skills acquired include but are not limited to:
Students participating in the following modules (at least 12 SWS or 18 ECTS) in addition to their regular study load will receive the WiEGe-certificate when they graduate.
Modules equivalent in content taken at the JKU can be accredited as well. Please see your personal tutor or the professor in charge to clarify whether the modules you wish to take can be accredited.
You receive your certificate after your graduation.
The curriculum for the Diploma programme Catholic Theology established in 2008, § 4 (2), includes the thematic module Business - Ethics - Society. This module is only effectively completed after successfully passing a so-called Synthesis-Exam, in which you will have to prove to the module coordinator your interdisciplinary understanding of and approach to the matter.
You should be able to answer the following questions:
Every year a WiEGe guest lecture takes place. The lecture series is called Maximilian Aichern Lectures.
The Academic Year 2003/2004 saw the initial WiEGe guest lecture, which has taken place every year since. It is named after the Bishop Maximilan Aichner and held in his spirit. Aichner showed great engagement for the cause of today’s challenges and possibilities faced by a caring, Christian organisation of society. The goal of the guest lectures is, on the one hand, to provide a thorough engagement with the currently most relevant and inspired approach to social and business ethics. On the other hand, the guest lecture provides an opportunity to directly investigate the most pressing questions of the social sciences and economics and their respective methods and insights. We invite well-known scientists and researchers from economics, business, ethics, and the social sciences, either from the Johannes Kepler University Linz LINK or other home or foreign institutes.
Economic liberalization and globalization as well as social diversification and segmentation are increasingly influential factors for both individual and social life. As “signs of the times” they are a major challenge to the political forces, and provide a crucial context of theological and ethical reflexion. The research focus Business – Ethics – Society (WiEGe) at the Catholic Private University Linz thus depicts a threefold concern that serves as a guideline for the “Linzer WiEGe Reihe:”
The Linz WiEGe Series sees itself as a platform documenting and promoting a broad access of research results to the general public in an understandable fashion.
The task force WiEGe is happy to receive submissions for publication. By sending a contribution to the editors (Prof Dr Michael Rosenberger or Assistant Dr Edeltraud Koller) you effectively apply for publication with the Linz WiEGe Series. After a process of peer review we inform you whether your paper will be included in one of the upcoming issues.
Criteria of acceptance are the relevant thematic positioning of the paper’s argument in the context of business - ethics - society and the scientific nature and merit of the paper.
Contributions are to be submitted electronically via email either as doc., docx., or rtf. file. There is no maximum or minimum length.
Linzer WiEGe Reihe (Linz WiEGe Series). Contributions to Business – Ethics – Society (LiWiRei)
ISSN 2071-0844
Published on behalf of the task force WiEGe at the Catholic Private University of Linz, ed. by Michael Rosenberger and Edeltraud Koller, Bethlehemstraße 20, A – 4020 Linz
Several anthologies on the research focus of the task force WiEGe have already been published. They primarily document the interdisciplinary symposia and lecture series in business ethics.