Institutes of the Faculty of Theology
The various problems of and approaches to theological research, teaching, and learning are reflected in the nine institutes of the Faculty of Theology at the KU Linz. Our Institutes of “Biblical Studies” and “Church History and Patrology” research the traditional testimonies of the history of the Christian faith from a historical perspective.
The Institutes of “Fundamental Theology and Dogmatic Theology” and “Moral Theology” research the foundational teachings of the Christian faith and assess their social and existential relevance. In close dialogue with this endeavour the Faculty of Philosophy addresses the question how the human being can understand himself fundamentally as a being in the world.
The Institutes of “Liturgics and Sacramental Theology”, “Canon Law,” “Pastoral Theology”, "Christian Social Ethics" and “Catechetics, Religious Education and Pedagogy” develop relevant concepts and ideas on how to incorporate the foundations and traditions of the Christian faith in today’s social and ecclesial processes.