Theology in Linz is ...
…rich in tradition with a contemporary perspective. Theology has been taught and studied in the city of Linz since 1672. Today the Faculty of Theology at the KU Linz sees its primary mission in the unification of the foundations and various traditions of the Christian faith. This shall serve to properly address the challenges of the modern world. Nine institutes and twelve academic chairs ensure the highest standard of scientific quality while offering a wide range of topics of study. An ideal student-staff ratio and the personal atmosphere on our campus create a welcoming study environment.
... interdisciplinary. The Faculty of Theology cooperates closely with the Faculties of Philosophy and Art History. Furthermore the Faculty of Theology works closely with institutions of higher education of all disciplines in Upper Austria in order to ensure an interdisciplinary approach and exchange.
... distinctive. Our areas of study address important issues society faces today. We are primarily concerned with the relationship of ethics in the world of business, with art as a place of religious, philosophical, and ideological exchange, and with secularism as a challenge for the Church and Christianity.