Head of Institute, Editor-in-Chief ThPQ, Acting Head of the Institute for Church History and Patrology
Univ.-Ass.in Mag.a theol.
Nina Kogler Doctoral Researcher at the Institute of Church History and Patrology
Research Fellow in the project „Re-Animating Catholic Pedagogical Ethics – Creating a Network“
Prof. Dr. theol.
Ines Weber Professor for Church History and Patrology (until September 30th, 2024)
External Lecturer for Church History (Academic Year 2024/25)
Mag. Dr.
Ursula DeinhammerMSc
Student Research Assistant at the Institute for Church History and Patrology
Student research assistant at the project „Re-Animating Catholic Pedagogical Ethics – Creating a Network“
Mag.a rel. paed.
Simone Ressl Research assistant at the project „Re-Animating Catholic Pedagogical Ethics – Creating a Network“