Friendship and Alumni Association of the KU
The Friendship and Alumni Association (FAV) of the Catholic University of Linz was founded 15 years ago by the then Vice-Chancellor (Rector) University Professor Dr Dr Severin Lederhilger. The association is a forum open to all those who have finished their studies at the KU in order to remain in touch with their former university. The FAV is also to those who wish to further the cause of the University even if they have not previously been students at the KU. The Association serves to promote professional development by providing a communication platform to its members where they can exchange theoretical reflection and practical work experience.
After Mr Helmut Ausserwöger, M.A., had served as the chairman Mrs Eva Plank, M.A., who is a theologian and holds a Higher Diploma in Education, was elected new chairwoman at the General Assembly of the FAV in January 2014. The board is composed of Mrs Maria Putz-Obereder, M.A. (Vice Chairwoman), Bernhard Kagerer, M.A. (Secretary), Prorector University Professor Dr Ewald Volgger and Vice-Chancellor (Rector) University Professor Dr Franz Gruber (KU) as well as Mr Josef Asch, M.A., and Mr Helmut Opitz, M.A. (Auditors).
Why you should become a member:
- To remain in touch with the KU Linz even after you have finished your studies
- To remain up to date about personal and institutional changes within the faculties
- To get to know the KU, its institutes, research activities, and publications better and from an inside perspective. Read all that’s new in our magazine “Triolog”
- You will be invited to our various events
- You can help organise our annual Alumni Meetings
- To get involved with our theory-praxis-dialogue meetings
- To promote a more integrated “Lobby for Theology” by helping with coordinated public engagements already in place that further the impact of theology on society well beyond church and school
- To have your say in all of these issues at the general assembly and by electing board members.
Membership Fee
The annual membership fee is €11.00
The Board of the FAV
Chairwoman | Mrs Eva Plank, M.A. |
Vice Chairwoman | Mrs Maria Putz-Obereder, M.A. |
Members | University Professor Dr Franz Gruber, Vice-Chancellor of the KU Linz |
| University Professor Dr Ewald Volgger, KU Linz |
| Mr Bernhard Kagerer, M.A., Secretary |
Auditors | Mr Josef Asch, M.A. |
| Mr Helmut Opitz, M.A. |
History of the Friendship and Alumni Association of the KU
For more than 300 years Linz has been a place for the study of theology. In 1978, in agreement with the Ministry of Science, Linz was turned into a fully accredited Theological Faculty of Pontifical Right. The accreditation as a private university (the first of its kind in Austria) in 2000 allowed the KU to be integrated into the national university system. As a Papal University, the Catholic University of Linz must be financed entirely by funds of the Diocese of Linz. Due to its financial situation the Diocese has had to restrict its payments for the maintenance costs of the KU. However, maintaining the status of a higher academic institution requires adequate economic funds and financial resources. The expansion of our study programmes (qualification courses “WiEGe“: Business – Ethics – Society, Art in Education and the new degree in Philosophy and Art History) in connection with our intensified activities in public relations and advertising, and the associated communication of our existing and potential services have increased the attractiveness of the KU as a partner for society, regional politics and industry.
Joining the Friends of the KU
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