Institute of Catechetics, Religious Education, and Pedagogy
Religious education is a theological theory of religious learning and educational processes in close interdisciplinary dialogue with the social sciences. Both catechetics, as an extracurricular possibility of access to faith, and subject didactics, which helps to develop one’s capacity to reflect on planning, implementation, and evaluation of religious educational processes, are associated with religious studies.
The key questions for the institute are: What personal and structural conditions are necessary for a successful and liberating communication of faith? How can vivid processes of communication in the context of religious instruction and adult education be initiated? How can daily inter-subjective encounters at school and the parish be interpreted theologically?
In future, all pupils aged between 10 and 18/19 will be taught by teachers trained in the same system.
From the academic year 2016/17, 13 Universities and University Colleges in Upper Austria and Salzburg, which have formed a regional association under the title of Österreich Mitte, will jointly offer QTS courses for secondary school, i.e., new secondary school, pre-vocatinal school, special needs school, general and vocational secondary school (general subjects).
For further Information we recommend our associates from the Private University of Education.
Text copyright: Private University of Education